Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Look who is taking a peep,
did you also hear her asking...


Is it spring yet?
Wish I could say.. yes it is!

Anyway my sister and me are thinking and wondering if any of you would be interested in joining our first swap. A spring swap, Sign up will be somewhere next week. First we have to work out the details.

Stay tuned if you want to join.

Maybe you have seen it in my sidebar, I joined "OPAM 2010", The one project a month challenge 2010.

There are lots of projects to finish around here, and I hope to show at least one each month!

For this month I finished these bags! And who knows, Januari is not over yet, maybe I can make a few more things to show!



LiLi M. said...

Ooh dat vilten vogeltje is ook tdf! Jaaa je tassen natuurlijk ook weer! Ik schreef net al bij je zus: Ik had mij eigenlijk voorgenomen om in 2010 minder te swappen, heb de eerste net deze week de deur uit gedaan :-0! Maar ik weet natuurlijk niet wat voor swap jullie in petto hebben. In ieder geval veel plezier met de voorbereiding!

Hi! My name is erica. Would you be my friend? said...

It certainly feels like spring here today! I'm looking forward to seeing what the swap is all about!

Cerejeira said...

Oh my!!! a swap would be lovely!

Wendy said...

Oh a swap with you guys would be so much fun. Can't wait to be able to sign up.

Sarah - Red Gingham said...

Yes bring on the swap please! I love those bags you make, too clever you are.

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Sounds like fun...will check back next the bag.

Unknown said...

I wish it were spring! Heleen, I am just in love with your bags. They are just gorgeous!

Lee D said...

I would like to join a swap with the twee zusjes!! I wish spring was around the corner here, but that won't truly happen until May. :(

Unknown said...

there's no sign of spring here yet.
The swap sounds fun - I shall keep my eye on the blog for more details!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, this idea of Spring Swap'10 is a good one. Shall stay tunned!
Any reason to bring spring... now!

Jennifer Ann Fox said...

Your bags look beautiful!!

Michaja said...

Lijkt me leuk om mee te doen met de swap. Ik ga je blog in de gaten houden.

syko kajsa said...

I'm interested in joining your swap! It's been a long time since I participated in a swap and those tulips look so springy and inspiring!

Em said...

Hello, I'm so glad you popped by my blog, as I have found you.
It is a wonderful blog.
I adore all of the bags you make. Oh how I wish I could sew now!
Have a lovely weekend.
Kindest Regards Em xx