Zwarte piet climbing on the roof and throwing presents down the chimney.
With the Dutch children, Sint-Nicolaas feast (5-dec.) is the happening of the year! The children at school and at home are preparing for this feast from half november till 5 December. So now you know why I was absent last two weeks, and neglecting my bloglife (I'm still so very busy)
Anyway I will share with you some of the things my colleague and I made with the children in our class for this feast.
two needle felted 'zwarte pietjes'
Three pompon 'zwarte pieten'
three 'zwarte pieten'made with oil pastels
A hand puppet 'zwarte piet'
And although Sint-Nicolaas and Zwarte piet are in the Dutch country, I did see these little felted christmas santa's snooping around.......