Oh my, oh my, I have been tagged by Ingrid from
'Supergoof weblog' And now I have to tell you 7 true things about myself!?
De REGELS van dit spel zijn,....
1. As soon as you've been tagged you name (link) this person on your blog.
Zodra je genoemd bent, plaats je een link naar de persoon door wie je genoemd bent. 2. Put the rules on your blog.
Plaats de regels op je blog. 3. Tell 7 things about yourself on your blog.
Vertel 7 dingen over je zelf op je blog. 4. Choose 7 new favorite blogs and tagg them. And let them know they are tagged.
Noem en plaats, de linken naar 7 van je favoriete blogs 5. Reageer op die 7 blogs zodat de auteurs weten dat ze getagged zijn.1. I never thought blogging was so great, (addictive)! A year ago I would have said: "blogging, what's that?".
Becouse I'm blogging, I learned much more about using the computer...and, most important, I met so manny creative bloggers who inspire me! Thank you all!!!
2. Since I'm blogging my productivity has gone way up!! Thank you all again!!!
3. I do have more addictions, beside's blogging... like eating good choclate, drinking tea and a good wine, and I enjoy making meals with my husband and kids (and eating of course) and friends.

4. Because of nr.3 you maybe think I diet every now and then....I did...until I decided a couple of years ago to never, ever diet again..and guess what since that time I stay the same!
This is me showing you another just finished bag)
5. And then, sometimes there is this little voice in the back of my head saying "what about your condition?" I know, I know, when am I going to do some sports???? Oh, I'm not so much of a sports women. But when it's not raining I do take my bike to the local shop to buy ribbons and buttons!
6. Another true thing about me, I collect toooo much;... different crockeries,.. old toys, matroushka's, olily things and boxes, fabrics, old children and fashion books, old hatboxes and other vintage things....

7. You probable understand, becouse of nr.2 and nr.6 I,m having a bit of a storage problem!
Well now I hope I did o.k. ... Now I've to pass this along to 7 others to share in the fun!
Oh my, oh my, who must I choose??? I can't do it! So now I'm taking the liberty to change the rules a little.....
So get ready....The first 7 people who visit this blog... consider yourself as just being tagged!