Thursday, September 16, 2010


So guess what- I'm moving today!
Yeah, I'm not kidding. My sister and I are sharing a blog from now on.
How exciting is that?
We already had so much fun with assembling the new blog.
and making a new banner. We are very pleased with the results.
Here is our new adress:

I’d love for you to visit our new blog and let us know what you think.
Thank you all for your visits and lovely comments on Dutch colours.
So come, please hop on with me to our new blog!
Groetjes Heleen

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Lovely day

It's a beautiful day!

2 brooches
(I made these 'sunny' brooches for the store)

lovely sun and a bit of wind,

new bag

Not a day to spend behind the computer or to work on a new autumn bag.
I'm going to enjoy thes last bit of summer!


Wish you all a good day,

p.s. stay tuned.... there's going to be a change on Corry's and my Blog real soon!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

A girls trip to London and new bag,

Just finished this new bag,

Bag, fisherman

I'm pleased with the result, and love the warmth of the colors and look of the bag.

tas, visser 005

The checked fabric and the wide band are also doing well together, don't you think?


Yes, my daughter and me are going to Londen for a few days in October, just the two of us, the girls in the house!


It was her idea to ask this as a gift for het 14th birthday.. she's saving money for this trip to do a lot of shopping. (me too of course)

We booked our flight but have to book our hotel or BB.

If any of you have great London ideas for us,
it can be anything, a nice BB or hotel, lovely shops, vintage shops, places to lunch, etc....

We'll love it and be greatful!

This is it for now... groetjes,

Friday, September 3, 2010

Bear and bag,

Remember our cat, Bear (Beer)?

playing kitten

Except that he has grown this summer, he is still very naughty and funny and we all love our Bear!

yummie roses

He does however has a strange thing when there are flowers on the table.....
First he looks around... and when no one is watching.....


..he takes very carefully, leaf by leaf, small bites of the Roses
Have you ever seen this before?

Here is another flower,

Bag, great horse

I made this flower for my new messengerbag

Bag, great horse

This is the first autumn bag and I'm working on another one..

See you soon,

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Hello again,

Hello everyone,

Yes I finally am back in blogland!
When I made my last post in june, I did not think to have such a long break.

my favorite colors

Can't wait to read all your lovely blogs again.
