Someone recently asked me when I started making creative things?
I can’t remember the first time I made something. My mother was always busy making creative works with her sewing machine and using all sort of materials. And as a small child I’d like to be around her making things to.
I even don’t know what I created first but when I was about 7 years old the Dutch Sinterklaas (santa) gave me my first sewing machine. A Singer,

Since I was a real doll mommy, I spent many ours making little skirts, shawls etc. on this sewing machine! And I collected every fabric I could find.
As a little girl I often went with my mom to a great-aunt. And on one time I found an old hand- sewing machine, full of dust, in her shed. Lucky me, she said, ‘you found it, so you can have it’!

My mom cleaned and greased it. I learned to sew on it! The great thing is that it belonged to my great-great-grandmother.

You see her here in the middle on her 50th wedding anniversary. She got it when she married in the year 1900!
Later my mom allowed me to sew on her big fast Pfaff . And when I married I had my own Pfaff. You see down here.

On this dear mashine I spend many ours, and today I finished these 3 new autumn bag's! (I'll show more on my next post.)

Well, this was a little of my sewing history.
I wish you all a good start of the week!