Thursday, November 12, 2009

Christmas inspiration,

Every year I want to make a new chrismas ornament,
a few years ago I made these,

christmas ornaments

But these last two years I somehow didn't. Maybe to busy with other creativities...
But now I signed in for the Christmas ornament swap (see the sidebar) and I want to be full inspired with new ideas!

New inspiration from older magazines

So I searched all Marie-claire christmas editions and put them on the kitchentable!
And if that's not enough I also bought the new country home.

new country Christmas homes

I already spotted this nice page with cards,

more inspiration

Guess I'll be moving around the kitchen table today..
And get Christmas inspiration!


Unknown said...

You are certainly getting a jump on the holidays! Can't wait to see your creations.

grey rabbit said...

I love the cross stitch ornaments,I wonder what you'll do this year? I was in john Lewis this morning and they have lots of lovely things to dress the house for Christmas.I didn't buy, but I got lots of lovely ideas to make myself!
Can't wait to see what you do Heleen.

Sandy said...

Those little match box covers they show are too cute! I live in Arizona so wee don't need fireplace amtches too often! LOL I have not heard of Marie-Claire magazine, can you get it in the States????? I just found your blog thru Elizabeth and I left a comment on the post about her quilt also.....look forward to talking with you!

Jessie Rayot said...

I have a box of handmade Christmas ornaments. I make a few every year, then decide I don't have time to make as many as I want. I'm thinking of pulling out the box this weekend and finishing them all up so I can just give them all away this year. Who says everyone needs the same ornament?

Virgínia said...

So much inspiration on one table!! I'm jealous :)

LiLi M. said...

Heerlijk al die inspiratie! Wist je trouwens dat je vandaag en morgen 15% korting krijgt op het gehele assortiment in de Hema? Dacht dat dat toch wel een leuke tip was om het weekend in te gaan ;-)!

Celestial Charms said...

Great to surround yourself with such lovely pages of inspiration. I wish I had your collection of Christmas magazine issues of Marie-Clair. It is great to be able to look back to spark an idea.

Hi! My name is erica. Would you be my friend? said...

Isn't it fun? I should look for my christmas magazines as well...though it'd be quite a big job!

I look forward to seeing what you decide to do! :)

Jennifer Ann Fox said...


I went to your Etsy shop and you have beautiful, beautiful items!!!!

Feathers in the Nest

Joyce B said...

It sounds like you have a wonderful plan for finding creative ornament ideas.