I'm making up the balance from the ‘one project a month’ challenge (OPAM).
And the last little project I finished in Januari is this matroushka,

A sweet hanger

Only a few more hours before our Dutch sisters spring swap entering is closing!
We are over a 100 participants!!!
Next week everyone will receive partner information.
I wish you all a good start of the week!

lovely doll!!!
Ah! She has the sweetest face! Well done. I got two UFOs finished in January. I have no idea if I will be able to finish one in February as my next one is much more work but I will try. :-)
Hugs en groetjes ~
Leuk gedaan hoor, vooral het gezichtje erg mooi geborduurd!!
She's beautiful!
Very sweet!
Adoro a boneca:)
Estou ansiosa por começar o trabalho para o swap!!!!será que já posso colocar a vossa etiqueta no meu blogue como participante neste projecto?!
Wow, meer dan 100 deelnemers. Te gek. En zo'n project per maand is wel een goed idee, zeker als het dit soort leuke dingen oplevert. Wat een mooie Matrushka!
Such a sweet doll!!!
Te mooi deze matroesjka!!!!!
What a sweet and charming doll!
Great work!
Wonderful bear post - so sweet! I am with everyone else who is excitedly awaiting your swap to begin. It will be so special. Elizabeth
she is so sweet! I collect those little dolls!
Ahhhh, mooi gemaakt zeg! Het geborduurde gezichtje is zo lief!
lovely doll, so pretty!
hello helleen, i faved your blog as well as your sisters, i think they are both so lovely. thanks so much for entering my giveaway !
hope you visit again:)
good luck ♥
oh, i forget to tell you, i just adoooore you r little matryoshka. she is absolutely lovely
Your hanger is gorgeous - Oh and I hope little bear is all better now.
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